Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery Act: Prepare your business for reporting requirements

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Updated: November 28, 2024

Many businesses and organizations in Canada must now closely examine their supply chain and prepare for reporting obligations to comply with new rules under Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (commonly known as the Modern Slavery Act or the Supply Chains Act) (the Act).

Under these rules, affected entities must report on their efforts to mitigate the use of forced and child labour at any point within their supply chains. Failure to do so may result in consequences that could include hefty financial penalties, criminal prosecution, and reputational damage. 

As these rules are complex, it’s important to consider how confident you are in verifying each segment of your business’ supply chain. Our advisors can help you navigate the requirements of the Act and avoid severe repercussions for non-compliance.  

Affected entities are required to file their report on or before May 31 annually, covering the entity’s previous financial year. Therefore, the next report, due May 31, 2025, should cover the most recent financial year that ended before this date.

The Act became law when Bill S-211 received Royal Assent on May 11, 2023 and came into force on January 1, 2024.

November 2024 updates

The federal government announced changes to the reporting requirements in November 2024. Most notably, fewer entities will be subject to the rules. In this update, certain affected entities will only have reporting requirements if they produce or import goods into Canada, and meet other conditions. Previously, affected entities that sold or distributed goods (in Canada and elsewhere) were also subject to the rules. These changes will apply starting in the 2025 reporting year. 

Is your business an affected entity?     

Certain corporations, partnerships, trusts, and unincorporated organizations will have annual reporting obligations under the new rules. Specifically, entities have reporting requirements under the Act if they produce or import goods into Canada, or control (directly or indirectly) another entity involved in any of these activities and either:

  • Have a place of business in Canada, assets in Canada, or do business in Canada and meet at least two of the following criteria in one of the past two fiscal years: 
    • $20 million or more in assets
    • $40 million or more in revenue
    • 250 employees or more (on average), or 
  • Are listed on a Canadian stock exchange. 

These thresholds are assessed on a consolidated basis in Canadian dollars. The size-related thresholds refer to total (global) assets, revenue, and employees. When business entities in a group meet the above criteria, the reporting requirements extend to each of these entities.

Reporting obligations also apply to federal government institutions that produce, purchase, or distribute goods in Canada or elsewhere, regardless of their size. 

Are you in scope?

Modern Slavery Act Flowchart

How do the rules apply to affected entities? 

Affected entities, must complete a mandatory questionnaire,  develop an annual supply chain risk report and submit both to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness by May 31, among other requirements, The report must also be published prominently on the entity’s website. This report, which must be approved by the entity’s governing body (i.e., board of directors), should contain responses that are consistent with the questionnaire and will address efforts to prevent or reduce the risk of forced labour in the supply chain, as well as outline policies, employee training, and other steps taken to prevent forced labour, among other details. 

The report must also include information about the entity’s: 

  • Structure, activities, and supply chains.
  • Policies and due diligence processes in relation to forced, and child labour.
  • Parts of its business and supply chains that carry a risk of forced or child labour, and the steps taken to assess and manage that risk.
  • Measures taken to remediate any forced labour or child labour.
  • Measures taken to remediate the loss of income to the most vulnerable families that are affected by the elimination of forced or child labour in its activities and supply chains.
  • Training provided to employees on forced and child labour.
  • Methods for assessing its effectiveness in ensuring that forced and child labour aren’t being used in its business and supply chains.

Entities can provide additional support to supplement responses and can provide links to publicly available information that details their action plan, policy, or related reports.

An affected entity that fails to comply with these new rules could face penalties up to $250,000. In addition, individuals such as directors and officers of affected entities, could also be subject to fines and criminal prosecution.

Further guidance and resources on complying with the Act, released in December 2023, are available on the Public Safety Canada website. Of note, the guidance acknowledges that: “No sectors or industries involving the production or importation of goods are assumed to be entirely free of forced labour and child labour risks. The reporting exercise is intended to encourage transparency, not to penalize entities for having identified risks in their activities and supply chains. The purpose of reporting is not to certify that an entity is “risk-free,” but rather to demonstrate that the entity has taken steps to identify and address risks.”

How we can help

These new rules present an opportunity for all organizations to bring transparency to their supply chain, even if they aren’t affected by reporting requirements. Our team can help you:  

  • Perform supply chain mapping and enhanced due diligence to identify potential risks.    
  • Determine current business practices that you may have in place to reduce your risk of forced or child labour, identify gaps related to compliance with this legislation and help you to develop practical action plans to address those gaps. 
  • Introduce an anonymous whistleblower hotline within your organization for employees and suppliers.   
  • Provide training and education to boards and employees on the legislation and its reporting requirements.     
  • Support the completion of the mandatory questionnaire and the development of your report.


Navigating these rules can be complex—but we’re here to help. Canadian businesses, government institutions, and importers should prepare now for these changes and bolster their processes to avoid disruption of shipments into Canada and significant repercussions for non-compliance. In addition, businesses could view these rules as an opportunity to demonstrate their position on human rights and safety among global labour forces.   

Contact your local advisor or reach out to us here