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Tax planning and compliance
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Research and development and government incentives
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Indirect tax
Keeping track of changes and developments in GST/HST, Quebec sales tax and other provincial sales taxes across Canada, can be a full-time job. The consequences for failing to adequately manage your organization’s sales tax obligations can be significant - from assessments, to forgone recoveries and cash flow implications, to customer or reputational risk.
US corporate tax
The United States has a very complex and regulated tax environment, that may undergo significant changes. Cross-border tax issues could become even more challenging for Canadian businesses looking for growth and prosperity in the biggest economy in the world.
Cross-border personal tax
In an increasingly flexible world, moving across the border may be more viable for Canadians and Americans; however, relocating may also have complex tax implications.
International tax
While there is great opportunity for businesses looking to expand globally, organizations are under increasing tax scrutiny. Regardless of your company’s size and level of international involvement—whether you’re working abroad, investing, buying and selling, borrowing or manufacturing—doing business beyond Canada’s borders comes with its fair share of tax risks.
Transfer pricing
Transfer pricing is a complex area of corporate taxation that is concerned with the intra-group pricing of goods, services, intangibles, and financial instruments. Transfer pricing has become a critical governance issue for companies, tax authorities and policy makers, and represents a principal risk area for multinationals.
Succession & estate planning
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Tax Reporting & Advisory
The financial and tax reporting obligations of public markets and global tax authorities take significant resources and investment to manage. This requires calculating global tax provision estimates under US GAAP, IFRS, and other frameworks, and reconciling this reporting with tax compliance obligations.

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Governance, risk and compliance
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Internal audit
Organizations thrive when they are constantly innovating, improving or creating new services and products and envisioning new markets and growth opportunities.
Certification – SOX
The corporate governance landscape is challenging at the best of times for public companies and their subsidiaries in Canada, the United States and around the world.
Third party assurance
Naturally, clients and stakeholders want reassurance that there are appropriate controls and safeguards over the data and processes being used to service their business. It’s critical.
Assurance Important changes coming to AgriInvest in 2025AgriInvest is a business risk management program that helps agricultural producers manage small income declines and improve market income.
ASPE Sec. 3041 Agriculture Understanding and applying the new ASPE Section 3041 AgricultureThe Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) has released new guidance on recognizing, measuring and disclosing biological assets and the harvested products of bio assets.
Tax alert Agricultural Clean Technology ProgramThe Agricultural Clean Technology Program will provide financial assistance to farmers and agri-businesses to help them reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Tax alert ACT Program – Research and Innovation Stream explainedThe ACT Research and Innovation Stream provides financial support to organizations engaged in pre-market innovation.
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The oil and gas industry is facing many complex challenges, beyond the price of oil. These include environmental issues, access to markets, growing competition from alternative energy sources and international markets, and a rapidly changing regulatory landscape, to name but a few.

Our ‘Insights into IFRS 3’ series summarises the key areas of the Standard, highlighting aspects that are more difficult to interpret and revisiting the most relevant features that could impact your business.
This article discusses how goodwill, or a gain from a bargain purchase is initially recognised and measured under IFRS 3, which represents the final step of applying the acquisition method.

Goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase
Goodwill is defined in Appendix A to IFRS 3 as an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognised but that the acquirer controls via its power to direct the policies and management of the acquiree. Goodwill cannot be measured directly and can only be recognised when a business combination occurred. It is viewed as a residual and as such is measured as the excess of one amount over another.
A bargain purchase is when a business is acquired for less than its fair market value, resulting in a gain for the acquirer.
The following diagram shows the formula as well as the elements to be included and deducted to determine the amount of goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase to recognise.
Three of the elements included in the above formula are discussed in the relevant articles as noted. Our article ‘Insights into IFRS 3 – Recognising and measuring non-controlling interest’ discusses how the NCI measurement options might impact the amount of goodwill to recognise.
We also note that when recognising goodwill as a result of a business combination, the goodwill is required to be allocated to one or multiple cash generating units (CGUs). This is addressed in our article ‘Insights into IFRS 3 – Accounting after the acquisition date’.
Therefore, this article covers:
- situations where the acquirer has previously held an equity interest in the acquiree, and
- accounting for goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase.
Business combination achieved in stages
Prior to a business combination, the acquirer may already own an equity interest in the acquiree (which may have been accounted for under IAS 28 ‘Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures’, IFRS 11 ‘Joint Arrangements’ or IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’). When the acquirer obtains control over the acquiree, this existing investment is viewed as part of what is given up when obtaining control.
Consequently, the existing investment is derecognised as if the acquirer disposed of it at fair value, and a related gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss or in other comprehensive income (OCI) (ie on the same basis as would be required if the acquirer had disposed directly of the previously held interest). This situation is commonly referred to as a business combination achieved in stages or a step acquisition.
In a step acquisition, any other income or expense that had been recognised in OCI when the previously held interest was accounted for using the equity method are also recycled to profit or loss on the same basis as if the underlying items to which they relate were directly derecognised.
There are also more considerations when the previously held interest was classified as an associate or a joint venture (JV) that was accounted for using the equity method. The acquirer will be required to perform a fair value exercise for all the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, as at the date of acquisition. This means that:
- The assets recognised under the new accounting may include assets that were not previously included in the equity accounting of the associate or JV
- The value of assets previously recognised in the equity accounting calculation require remeasurement and may change from what was previously recorded
The following examples illustrate the accounting for business combinations achieved in stages:
Example 1 - Acquirer had an existing investment accounted for under IAS 28
Entity A owns a 35% interest in Entity B. The investment, with an original cost of CU50, is accounted for as an associate using the equity method. On December 30, 20X4, the carrying value of the investment in Entity B was CU230 and its fair value was CU308. The fair value of Entity B's identifiable net assets on that date was CU800.
On December 31, 20X4, Entity A purchased an additional 40% interest in Entity B in cash for CU352, thereby obtaining control with a 75% interest in Entity B. Entity A opted to measure NCI at fair value, which was determined to be CU220.
Determining goodwill:
CU | |
Cash consideration for an additional 40% interest
NCI measured at fair value
Fair value of previously held equity interest
Fair value of 100% of identifiable net assets
The difference between the fair value and the carrying value of the investment in the associate of CU78 (CU308 - CU230) is recognised as a gain in profit or loss.
Example 2 – Acquirer had an existing investment accounted for under IFRS 9
Entity X holds a 10% investment in Entity Y, which was purchased for CU100 at January 1, 20X5. The investment is measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in other comprehensive income (FVOCI) in accordance with IFRS 9. On December 31, 20X9, the investment has a fair value of CU250. On the same day, Entity X purchased the remaining 90% of Entity Y's shares for a cash consideration of CU2,250, increasing its interest to 100% and obtaining control.
The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Entity Y at the acquisition date was CU2,100.
Determining goodwill:
CU | |
Cash consideration
Fair value of previously held equity interest
Fair value of 100% of identifiable net assets
The change in the fair value of investment classified as FVOCI amounting to CU150 (CU250 – CU100) is transferred directly to retained earnings as if Entity X had directly disposed of its investment.
Determining goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase
Applying IFRS 3's formula may result in a positive amount (goodwill) or a negative amount (gain from a bargain purchase). These amounts are accounted for differently and disclosure requirements are also different.
Result | IFRS Treatment |
Recognised and presented as a separate asset in the acquirer's consolidated financial statements in accordance with IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’
Not amortised but subject to at least an annual impairment test under IAS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’
Gain from a bargain purchase
Recognised in profit or loss immediately under IFRS 3
See our article ‘Insights into IFRS 3 – Disclosures under IFRS 3: Understanding the requirements’ for more details of the differences of disclosure between goodwill and a gain from a bargain purchase.
A gain from a bargain purchase is expected to arise relatively infrequently and can normally be attributed to specific commercial factors such as a forced sale by the vendors. Before recognising a bargain purchase gain, IFRS 3 specifically requires the acquirer to review:
- whether all of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed have been identified, and
- the related accounting measurements.
Elements of the business combination requiring review:
- identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed (to determine as to whether assets are not overstated or liabilities understated or even missing as a result of the fair value exercise)
- NCI in the acquiree, if any
- acquirer's previously held equity interest in the acquiree in a business combination achieved in stages, if any, and
- consideration transferred (eg whether the consideration transferred includes the acquisition date fair value of earn-out clauses).
The objective of reviewing the above items is to ensure that the measurements used to determine a bargain purchase gain reflect all available information as of the acquisition date. The acquirer should also consider whether there are any preexisting relationships that were settled as part of the business combination.
How we can help
We hope you find the information in this article helpful in giving you some insight into IFRS 3. If you would like to discuss any of the points raised, please speak to your usual Doane Grant Thornton contact or your local member firm.