Doane Grant Thornton Nanaimo – Cavan Street

Doane Grant Thornton Nanaimo – Cavan Street

What we do

Like many cities in BC, Nanaimo was built on mining and timber along with a tourism industry that boasts spectacular natural beauty. As it’s grown, the region’s economy has also diversified and is now led by industries including the health care and construction sectors.

Our team of experienced accounting professionals and business advisors in our Nanaimo – Cavan Street office serves a wide range of clients in Nanaimo and Northern Vancouver Island. Our local knowledge combined with a national network and global resources helps ensure that our clients have access to the support necessary to stay competitive and succeed in a rapidly changing world. We take time to get to know you and your business and provide the personalized client service and valuable insights that you need to maximize your growth potential.

Did you know:  Since 1967, Nanaimo has been home to the World Championship Bathtub Race, in which small powered watercraft of varied—and sometimes quirky—design compete in an open water race in the Georgia Strait. 

Contact us


25 Cavan St
Nanaimo BC
V9R 2T9

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